Clearly someone or something is trying to send me a message. This is the second piece of writing I've read today that talks about self-exploration and self-awareness through journaling/writing. This approach is more focused, more directed on answering questions. But both of them deal with exploration and a recognition that we hold assumptions about ourselves and others that we need to reveal to ourselves and explore. I'd already decided that I wanted to spend more time on exploratory writing. Now I know it's time to begin. Thank you for this exploration and encouragement.

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Happy to help, Miguel! I have found it incredibly useful in my journey.

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It is. It’s a little nerve wracking I had a lot of nervous energy after dropping it. It is tough writing about your personal experiences because you never know how it will land but as of this morning there were over 65 views and 7 likes, 2 comments and a restack. I did some breathing exercises walking the dog this morning and a sense of calm started to come over me.

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Well done, that's awesome! I'll have to check it out!

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It most certainly is. I experienced it last night when I dropped my first Substack post Janine whew 😥 lol there were a lot of deep breaths!

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Congratulations, that's exciting!

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Journaling is something I’ve never done Janine. I love to talk to people and I do have a real fascination with writing. This is something I should explore. I can just imagine how game changing combining breath work and journaling could be. Breath and write ❤️

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Yes, the breath work sets you up to write. When you are grounded and fully present in your body, the words flow more easily. It's an amazing combination.

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