Aug 24Liked by Janine Agoglia

This is so profound and true to the core!

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Thanks for reading, Corie!

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Lmao I’m not sure I’d consider myself an athlete Janine

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Athlete relative to someone who doesn't use their body, perhaps. You don't need to compete to be an athlete, you just need to move your body intentionally. 🤷‍♀️

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That’s kind of the way I’m looking at it too Janine. My doctor referred me to sports medicine doctor and I see him again beginning of September then my family doctor a week later so I’ll have a better idea what I’m up against and go from there. So in the meantime practice yoga and work on that breathing exercise. It’s funny because this morning why I was watching it my dog was laying beside me and the look on his face when you made the noise exhaling sure caught his attention lol.

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Yeah, sometimes my dog doesn't understand what I am doing and will look at me funny, either when I am upside down, or "breathing funny." It's entertaining, for sure.

Sports med is definitely the way to go. A regular orthopod may not understand the needs of athletes. Good luck!

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Hi Janine this breath practice is something I haven’t tried. I played the video reading through your post. So I’m going to grab headphones and try it later. Swimming over running is also something I’m going to have to start as well. I had my wonky right knee imaged this week and found out I have always known. The imaging showed mild to severe osteoarthritis, a bakers cyst and something floating around, not sure what it is yet. So I’m going to have to modify my cardio. Swimming seems like the best way to go because I’m not going to stop moving lol.

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Nor should you stop moving! I love swimming, it has served me well over the years. "Something floating around" seems ominous, possibly a chip of bone or cartilage, either way, not great for running on. Biking could be another way to go, as it's gentler on the knees, but personally, I am partial to swimming. Breath+Movement is my jam.

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Aug 24Liked by Janine Agoglia

Thanks so much for sharing. I so often catch myself holding my breath

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Yes, it's a stress response. I have a patient who does too, which kind of inspired this post. Thanks for reading, Jane!

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Aug 24Liked by Janine Agoglia

I've been doing that lately. I notice I did that when my knee injections were being done. I had to remind myself to belly breathe

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Yes! So helpful! When I go to the dentist I need to remind myself to breathe too.

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