This was a really interesting read. It's great to hear that someone with so much experience can still learn new things! It was something I admired in a few of my uni professors, actually, that constant curiosity and openness to new perspectives. Great food for thought, thank you.

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Thanks for sharing. I find growth isn't possible without having an open mind. Setting ego aside to learn something new is a mindset that encourages that. I'm glad you found that idea useful!

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Ahh, yes “Beginners Mind.” Love this.

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Thanks for reading!

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I found beginner's mind again last winter, when I realized that I could slightly modify poses like downward dog and child's pose and get a stretch in some back muscles that really needed it. So then I started checking in on every move to see if I was stuck in a rut, and everything changed. I'm feeling a lot better every morning after my practice now, like I'm ready to take on the world.

Of course I will get stuck in another rut though.

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If you keep checking in with yourself, you won't get stuck. You'll find an ever changing evolution. Thanks for sharing, Tim!

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All this is very true in both yoga ad meditation , If there is a position you can't do because of health or pains , There is always one you can try with neither . Great post Janine , hugs and peace

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Thanks as always, Mitch. 🙏💜

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Aug 20
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Absolutely! Approaching anything with a Beginner's Mind allows you to be present and open to what unfolds in the moment. It also creates space for learning and new ways of seeing things.

Congratulations on doing your own practice! It is liberating to follow what your body wants to do. Well done! 🎉

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Aug 20
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Thanks for saying that. It's my goal to create a safe space for conversations and learning. I am so glad I can provide that for you and others! That's what Sangha Sundays is for too, but live over Zoom. Have you thought about joining? I'm really excited for it to start.

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Aug 20
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Awesome! I look forward to seeing you there!

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