It breaks my heart when I hear about people who do. You are absolutely correct Janine love matters most ❤️!

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Thanks Janine. My daughter and I also shop for books. I love biographies. I recently finished Paul McCartney’s The Lyrics, Dave Grohl’s Story Teller. I really connect to people’s personal journeys. Being a hockey fan I read Brian Burkes book Burkes Law there was a chapter dedicated to his son who was gay. I really related to I because my daughter came out. She was going through a lot of emotions so I showed her the chapter which she read and we both cried because I told her like it says in that book you will never have to worry about me accepting you for who you are. We both ended up crying. Emotionally books that do that are quite cathartic so I resonate with them as well. And a good crime mystery is also great to get lost in too.

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That's beautiful. I'll never understand how parents can disown their kids for being gay or trans. Love matters more.

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If you don’t mind me asking Janine, what’s your go to read to help you disconnect?

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I don't mind at all. I don't really have a go to, I often have multiple books going at the same time. The more "self-help" type books are not bedtime books since I usually want to underline and put post it notes in them as I go. I read novels, and they vary in theme. My younger son loves to read so we frequent library sales and find all sorts of interesting reads. Currently I am reading Alice Hoffman's The River King. I loved Practical Magic eons ago when I read it so when I saw her at a book sale I grabbed it. So far it does not disappoint. I usually like books about people and their relationships, the quirkier the characters the better. I like books I can get lost in, cry with, feel something.

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And getting off my phone to read and journal is game changing ! It helps to stay somewhat focused and disciplined.

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For sure. It's amazing what a time suck the phone can be. The more I can disconnect, the better off I am too.

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It did Janine. Motivation comes in all kinds of different ways. I’ve also started to live my phone downstairs at night on silent. Much better off for it.

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Hey Janine this will sound funny but tapas for me is my eight month old Springer Spaniel. That little guy has my routine down pat lol. Today for example I was sore. Recently I turned back to weight training and it’s been really good. But today being sore I walked him and was going to call it. Until he went to the top of the basement stairs and barked because he knows almost every day I go down there for yoga. I didn’t want too. But I stuffed a carrot in his gong and away I went. Just when I was going to call it, it’s like he got me down there and I did 10 minutes on the exercise bike followed by 10 minutes of yoga.

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You have your own little taskmaster, Pete! He's going to keep you in mind whether you like it or not! Lol! I'm sure both the bike and the yoga helped your soreness.

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