Props are lovely. I used to resist using them but since I opened up to experimenting more with my practice, I saw how good they could help me to feel! Not to mention how essential they are to Restorative Yoga, which I've learned to love:)
Yes! Many people when they first start practicing see props as "cheating." When you see them as support, they definitely enhance your practice. And definitely feel good with restorative yoga!
I too have been doing yoga for 20+ years and tree pose is the perfect example. I also have vestibular problems so PT helps my balance. And that translate to everyday life too. I am less stressed when I stay calm and accept/adapt. Thank you for writing this with great empathy and faith in us as readers. Brilliant writing and connecting ourselves whether we’re yogi’s or not! Subscribing! 🥰❤️🧘🏻♀️🧘🏻♀️🧘🏻♀️
Thanks, Joan! I am so grateful for your warm supportive words, and thank you for subscribing! I have found yoga to be life changing on all fronts, and my goal is to share what I have learned in the hopes that it can be life changing for you too. Welcome!
I love that yoga taught me that it's ok to fall and pick yourself up again- exactly what you're saying with tree pose.
i've been working on getting back to my long core workouts and i'm having to give myself grace to do what I can each day, even if it's just part of the workout. and listening to my body when I have to do restorative yoga instead.
Yes! Sometimes our brain tells us "push through" while our body says "nope, not today." Giving yourself permission to fall, rest, and be just as you are is so liberating!
yes for sure. i’ve learned through skateboarding that if I push through pain, I’ll end up more hurt than I was before and will be forced to take longer off
Yoga is so adaptable. I had vertigo issues that yoga seemed to exacerbate. I quit for awhile, but then I realized I could modify various poses so that they wouldn't cause me issues. And tree pose--one of my absolute favorites; and yes, it's so easily modified to where you are. And, it can change from day to day. Thanks for the great insights and information!
I love that you spoke about props, Janine. My yoga room is full of them and when attend a yoga retreat, I always look like I’ve packed enough to need a pack mule 🤣
An extra wide and long yoga mat, 2 thick blocks, 2 thin blocks, a knee pad, a yoga bolster, a wrist support and
me! These props help me to make the necessary modifications to enjoy my practice and I’ve found that slight adjustments such as squaring my hips or a shift of an arm or leg when I feel pain help move me into better alignment for my body (Another good point you made about every body being different).
And lastly, I 💜 that you brought up my nemesis, Tree Pose. Such a simple pose in mind but so challenging physically. You taught me to get out of the Tree Pose that resided in my head and bring into my body so I could better relax (not grip) into the pose. Being able to hold the grace and balance of Tree Pose is uplifting and affirming to my practice.
I am so glad your relationship with Tree pose is shifting! We all have poses we struggle with, but when we set down the struggle, we can find more peace inside. Thank you for sharing. 💜
Thank you for this Janine. Tense areas in my body are finally starting to loosen up in ways I haven't been loose in quite a while. It feels so good. I love doing tree. I feel that it's a wonderful mindfulness pose.
That's a great way to think of it. Balance is so important, but is challenging to so many people, more mentally than physically. Approaching it from a place of mindfulness is useful, and will help you balance better!
My feet a pretty grounded but my ankles always get a little wobbly. I’ve been doing so much PT in recent months and balance has not been a part of it. I try to add in tree when I can.
I have found it's less about will power and more about self-love and acceptance. When you deem yourself worthy of caring for, it's easier to actually do. Less of a chore and more of a responsibility that you gladly honor.
Yes! Breathing is so important. Often when we're stressed we hold our breath and that doesn't help balance at all, it just creates more stress. Having a Dristi (gaze) also helps, like you said, fixing your gaze on something specific.
Props are lovely. I used to resist using them but since I opened up to experimenting more with my practice, I saw how good they could help me to feel! Not to mention how essential they are to Restorative Yoga, which I've learned to love:)
Yes! Many people when they first start practicing see props as "cheating." When you see them as support, they definitely enhance your practice. And definitely feel good with restorative yoga!
Love this…you said it all so well!
I too have been doing yoga for 20+ years and tree pose is the perfect example. I also have vestibular problems so PT helps my balance. And that translate to everyday life too. I am less stressed when I stay calm and accept/adapt. Thank you for writing this with great empathy and faith in us as readers. Brilliant writing and connecting ourselves whether we’re yogi’s or not! Subscribing! 🥰❤️🧘🏻♀️🧘🏻♀️🧘🏻♀️
Thanks, Joan! I am so grateful for your warm supportive words, and thank you for subscribing! I have found yoga to be life changing on all fronts, and my goal is to share what I have learned in the hopes that it can be life changing for you too. Welcome!
I love that yoga taught me that it's ok to fall and pick yourself up again- exactly what you're saying with tree pose.
i've been working on getting back to my long core workouts and i'm having to give myself grace to do what I can each day, even if it's just part of the workout. and listening to my body when I have to do restorative yoga instead.
Yes! Sometimes our brain tells us "push through" while our body says "nope, not today." Giving yourself permission to fall, rest, and be just as you are is so liberating!
yes for sure. i’ve learned through skateboarding that if I push through pain, I’ll end up more hurt than I was before and will be forced to take longer off
No pain, no gain only gets people injured, like you said. That's awesome that you skateboard!
Yoga is so adaptable. I had vertigo issues that yoga seemed to exacerbate. I quit for awhile, but then I realized I could modify various poses so that they wouldn't cause me issues. And tree pose--one of my absolute favorites; and yes, it's so easily modified to where you are. And, it can change from day to day. Thanks for the great insights and information!
Thanks for sharing Daria. It's so true, everything is adaptable, even daily!
I love that you spoke about props, Janine. My yoga room is full of them and when attend a yoga retreat, I always look like I’ve packed enough to need a pack mule 🤣
An extra wide and long yoga mat, 2 thick blocks, 2 thin blocks, a knee pad, a yoga bolster, a wrist support and
me! These props help me to make the necessary modifications to enjoy my practice and I’ve found that slight adjustments such as squaring my hips or a shift of an arm or leg when I feel pain help move me into better alignment for my body (Another good point you made about every body being different).
And lastly, I 💜 that you brought up my nemesis, Tree Pose. Such a simple pose in mind but so challenging physically. You taught me to get out of the Tree Pose that resided in my head and bring into my body so I could better relax (not grip) into the pose. Being able to hold the grace and balance of Tree Pose is uplifting and affirming to my practice.
I am so glad your relationship with Tree pose is shifting! We all have poses we struggle with, but when we set down the struggle, we can find more peace inside. Thank you for sharing. 💜
Thank you for this Janine. Tense areas in my body are finally starting to loosen up in ways I haven't been loose in quite a while. It feels so good. I love doing tree. I feel that it's a wonderful mindfulness pose.
That's a great way to think of it. Balance is so important, but is challenging to so many people, more mentally than physically. Approaching it from a place of mindfulness is useful, and will help you balance better!
My feet a pretty grounded but my ankles always get a little wobbly. I’ve been doing so much PT in recent months and balance has not been a part of it. I try to add in tree when I can.
Acceptance our body is a great grace. And to make healthy or not depends on our willpower
I have found it's less about will power and more about self-love and acceptance. When you deem yourself worthy of caring for, it's easier to actually do. Less of a chore and more of a responsibility that you gladly honor.
Balance in everything is great
Yes! Breathing is so important. Often when we're stressed we hold our breath and that doesn't help balance at all, it just creates more stress. Having a Dristi (gaze) also helps, like you said, fixing your gaze on something specific.