I’ve seen this happening in my life a lot, both positively and negatively. I’ve attracted more negativity when I’m focusing on what sucks in my life, and I’ve attracted more awesomeness when I focus on that.

I’ve had a dream of a small house in the woods with a catio for my cats for years, and now it’s finally happening. When I was ready, the property and the contractor fell right into my lap. The outside of the house is done, and hopefully the innards will be ready by summer.

Early in the morning of February 1 after a battle with gastric cancer that lasted less than 2 months, my father died. We’re all devastated. His loving heart was the size of the universe. I’m thinking a lot right now about finding the balance of allowing my feelings, and not getting so stuck in grief that I attract more grief. Any pieces of advice welcomed.

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I'm so sorry about your dad, Sophie. 💔 Right now grief is completely appropriate. Feel it and release it. It's the holding on and resisting it that will bring more. Remember that experiencing grief is a non-linear experience, it will come in waves. Ride the waves, don't try to control them. Sending peace and love to you and your family.

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Thank you Janine. The waves are definitely too big for resistance anyway at this point. It feels like being caught in the riptide. I’m grateful I got to sit with him and sing to him in the hospice for his final days. He knew I was there and squeezed my hand.

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What a special thing to be with him at that time. 💜

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