So well said! Thanks for sharing a very relatable, accessible post on a somewhat complex topic. And it's a topic that we'll be learning about our whole lives:) I do practice and my practice has changed so much over the years. I think even just going with the flow of what my body needs has been a huge learning experience; it's been a whole adventure moving through pregnancies, early motherhood, and adjust and readjusting my practice as the kids grow. Yoga has given me many things, but one of the biggest gifts has been learning the language of sensation, which you mentioned. My yoga practice creates a space for me to learn to notice those sensations within and to hold them with curiosity, self-love, and as little judgement as possible. Have I mastered it? No way! Not even though I started this whole yoga journey 28 years ago:)
Love how you talk about the details we should be connected to, being fully with what we are doing. It's a luxury now I feel because we are so caught up in our mind and thoughts that we forget to be mindful.
It takes conscious practice to be mindful and present in what we are doing.
I consider myself a beginner in practicing yoga, trying to get consistent in my has already bought lot of mental peace, mindfulness and patience in my life.
Thanks for reading, Saima! I am so glad your yoga practice has already given you peace and patience. It doesn't matter how long you've been practicing, what matters is that you do. 💜
Absolutely Janine, nothing moves if we don't and that's something I am learning and practicing every single day. Thank you for this beautiful reminder 💜
Also the point about 'stress' is so true, thank you 🙏
I feel more relaxed every time I read one of your posts. I've never practiced yoga, but I have practiced Tai Chi, and there are similarities in the sensibilities: slowing down, breathing, accepting your body as it is. I'm grateful for your insights, and I enjoy your writing very much.
Thanks Miguel. There are many similarities with yoga and Tai Chi, both in their purposes and practices. They may look different visually, but the goal of a healthy body and mind are the same.
This really resonates with me. I started with the asanas as well and it grew from there. What I notice off the mat is just more somatic awareness and allowing for "mistakes" -- which I now call learning. I am also just more authentic with meeting myself with where I am at. Thank you so much for posting these questions and for your informative and accessible post!
This is such a great read, I love your writing. I used to practice yoga and plan on getting back into it but it's all of this that made me interested in the first place. Not just to be flexible or strong but the mindset that comes with it.
Thanks Hannah, I have had a long relationship with yoga, it has made my life so much better, both mentally and physically. I am to share from that loving place.
I hope you get back to it, let me know how it goes!
So well said! Thanks for sharing a very relatable, accessible post on a somewhat complex topic. And it's a topic that we'll be learning about our whole lives:) I do practice and my practice has changed so much over the years. I think even just going with the flow of what my body needs has been a huge learning experience; it's been a whole adventure moving through pregnancies, early motherhood, and adjust and readjusting my practice as the kids grow. Yoga has given me many things, but one of the biggest gifts has been learning the language of sensation, which you mentioned. My yoga practice creates a space for me to learn to notice those sensations within and to hold them with curiosity, self-love, and as little judgement as possible. Have I mastered it? No way! Not even though I started this whole yoga journey 28 years ago:)
It's a journey, for sure. Thank you for sharing, Jacquie!
"be with what's happening" I love that!
Love how you talk about the details we should be connected to, being fully with what we are doing. It's a luxury now I feel because we are so caught up in our mind and thoughts that we forget to be mindful.
It takes conscious practice to be mindful and present in what we are doing.
I consider myself a beginner in practicing yoga, trying to get consistent in my has already bought lot of mental peace, mindfulness and patience in my life.
Thank you for this beautiful read 😊✨
Thanks for reading, Saima! I am so glad your yoga practice has already given you peace and patience. It doesn't matter how long you've been practicing, what matters is that you do. 💜
Absolutely Janine, nothing moves if we don't and that's something I am learning and practicing every single day. Thank you for this beautiful reminder 💜
Also the point about 'stress' is so true, thank you 🙏
I love that, "nothing moves if we don't." Very wise words. 💜
Thank you Janine 💜
I feel more relaxed every time I read one of your posts. I've never practiced yoga, but I have practiced Tai Chi, and there are similarities in the sensibilities: slowing down, breathing, accepting your body as it is. I'm grateful for your insights, and I enjoy your writing very much.
Thanks Miguel. There are many similarities with yoga and Tai Chi, both in their purposes and practices. They may look different visually, but the goal of a healthy body and mind are the same.
So many great points here. Yoga off the mat has improved every part of my life from self awareness to relationships.
Yes! 🙌
This really resonates with me. I started with the asanas as well and it grew from there. What I notice off the mat is just more somatic awareness and allowing for "mistakes" -- which I now call learning. I am also just more authentic with meeting myself with where I am at. Thank you so much for posting these questions and for your informative and accessible post!
Thanks Corie! It comes from a place of love. I am glad it resonates!
This is such a great read, I love your writing. I used to practice yoga and plan on getting back into it but it's all of this that made me interested in the first place. Not just to be flexible or strong but the mindset that comes with it.
You describe these beautifully 😍
Thanks Hannah, I have had a long relationship with yoga, it has made my life so much better, both mentally and physically. I am to share from that loving place.
I hope you get back to it, let me know how it goes!
Yes, she does! So down to earth and so informative!
Thanks Corie!
Thanks for reading, Pete!