From one Janine to another, gracias!

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Always happy to meet another Janine. Thanks for reading! 😊

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Janine, I am in rest and quit mode this weekend. I really felt the call to just be this weekend and then I found your post just now!

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Clearly it was meant to be!

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Clearly it was!

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yes-to rest ,pause, refresh is so important. My cat Sophie also knows how to rest. I do try to take time for rest and breathing and to clear my mind. It’s not just stopping the body because sometimes I stop the body. The mind has too much to think about sometimes I vacuum just to clear up my mind (And the dust & cat for of course), but then afterwards I lie down on the couch in the clean room- to just breath to rest. Rest actually works well after exerting for me. thanks for writing this!

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I love that idea of vacuuming to clear your mind. Resting in a clean room is so satisfying! Thanks for sharing, Susan!

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Sep 28Liked by Janine Agoglia

There’s good reason for the phrase, ‘I slept like a dog’. I love my sleep and by 8 pm every night, find myself yearning to put my feet up, pull up a warm comforter and sip a tea. When we had a 10 lb rescue (Jack), he and I would fall asleep together and by morning, the only thing you could see of Jack was a little black nose peeking out from the sheet. He taught me to sleep like a dog.

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I love that idea, Heather! Homer sleeps with me, and gets cranky when I turn over or move. 🙄 But he's a good snuggler.

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Non-negotiable rest days are a must Janine!!!

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Yes! That's why I don't see patients on Fridays and don't work on the weekends (except for my retreats). Rest is so important!!

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Absolutely 👍! I used to push myself hard. But after getting my right knee properly diagnosed and talking to a sports medicine doctor I have finally figured out that less can be more!! And you know what Janine modified exercises have been a godsend!!

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I love pets

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