I see you, Janine. I feel you, Janine. We possess many parts of each other, the sometimes compassionate pieces, the sometimes scary wobbly bits and pieces of fear, of insecurity, of anger. But see yourself the way I see you. Look into my eyes and see the love, the compassion, the giving, the faith, the completeness, the confidence, the trust that is reflected back to you from my eyes to your soul.
The haters of this world will live out their narrow minded meaningless existences devoid of love with empty hateful hearts whose only hope to keeping air moving into their lungs is to belittle others as a way to survive because the only survival they can perceive is one in which they can only be superior by casting dispersions on others.
They have no place in your life Janine. Your strength, your deep abiding love, your unwavering trust in yourself and those who love you, and the inner struggled you have conquered are your Maiden Shield. And that Maiden Shield cannot be pierced. The haters are nothing now and will be nothing at the end of their time.
Think about the incredible impact you’ve had on your son’s life and all the goodness you have spread into the world. I am a recipient. Appreciate yourself for this greatness.
Thanks Heather, for your kind words and incredible support. Even with a shield, words can penetrate. But it's okay. I can handle my feelings, no matter how skewed and irrational they may be. Love will win. It always does. 💜
I read your article . Being trolled is terrible , Yet people in some cases are just rude and mean . I can say I am sorry you went through that , yet doesn't help you mentally . Wounds in heart and soul heal very slow thus the reason I have written on site . You are ok we love you .I did have to make some minor changes to this exercise , I have copd and deep breathing is very hard at times . yet a great way to meditate . thank you Janine
Thank you, Mitch, for your kind words. I have found there are many more kind and thoughtful people on this platform, which is why I am here.
COPD is a challenging condition, for sure. What matters is that you are breathing in a way that is comfortable for you, and allowing the feelings to pass through.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your kindness. I am grateful.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I think when it's our own child the pain is magnified
For myself. It's wanting to be seen. Feeling miss understood my whole life, including my family and even my husband. I guess no one can truly understand us. I've written some difficult posts this week. I think therapy is bringing it up, so much in my past I need to heal from. So much I've been trying to numb. We can only numb for so long. Thanks for sharing
I think for people like you and me, Jane, the perfectionism keeps us from showing ourselves fully, as protection. But that also interferes with our ability to be seen by people in our lives. This is what I have learned about myself. Letting go of having to be perfect and allowing my messy self to be seen is the only way to be seen. Of course, it also requires others to see you, and not everyone can. I have learned that too.
I hope it helps you too, Pete. What I have found is that when people name call, it's because they don't have a legitimate argument. But with feelings, you can't think your way out. You have to feel.
I see you, Janine. I feel you, Janine. We possess many parts of each other, the sometimes compassionate pieces, the sometimes scary wobbly bits and pieces of fear, of insecurity, of anger. But see yourself the way I see you. Look into my eyes and see the love, the compassion, the giving, the faith, the completeness, the confidence, the trust that is reflected back to you from my eyes to your soul.
The haters of this world will live out their narrow minded meaningless existences devoid of love with empty hateful hearts whose only hope to keeping air moving into their lungs is to belittle others as a way to survive because the only survival they can perceive is one in which they can only be superior by casting dispersions on others.
They have no place in your life Janine. Your strength, your deep abiding love, your unwavering trust in yourself and those who love you, and the inner struggled you have conquered are your Maiden Shield. And that Maiden Shield cannot be pierced. The haters are nothing now and will be nothing at the end of their time.
Think about the incredible impact you’ve had on your son’s life and all the goodness you have spread into the world. I am a recipient. Appreciate yourself for this greatness.
Thanks Heather, for your kind words and incredible support. Even with a shield, words can penetrate. But it's okay. I can handle my feelings, no matter how skewed and irrational they may be. Love will win. It always does. 💜
I love that you took the time to sit with your feelings and explore them! Such a practice of self-compassion, self-love and ahimsa.
Thanks for reading, Corie! I try to practice what I preach.
I read your article . Being trolled is terrible , Yet people in some cases are just rude and mean . I can say I am sorry you went through that , yet doesn't help you mentally . Wounds in heart and soul heal very slow thus the reason I have written on site . You are ok we love you .I did have to make some minor changes to this exercise , I have copd and deep breathing is very hard at times . yet a great way to meditate . thank you Janine
Thank you, Mitch, for your kind words. I have found there are many more kind and thoughtful people on this platform, which is why I am here.
COPD is a challenging condition, for sure. What matters is that you are breathing in a way that is comfortable for you, and allowing the feelings to pass through.
Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your kindness. I am grateful.
No thanks needed Janine ,I should thank you .I save your posts and techniques for when my mind wanders and can’t do my own . hugs
Aw, that's great to hear! I'm glad my posts help! 💜
Very much so . hugs and peace
I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I think when it's our own child the pain is magnified
For myself. It's wanting to be seen. Feeling miss understood my whole life, including my family and even my husband. I guess no one can truly understand us. I've written some difficult posts this week. I think therapy is bringing it up, so much in my past I need to heal from. So much I've been trying to numb. We can only numb for so long. Thanks for sharing
I feel like you and I have very similar ways of being, as well as the same unskillful coping strategies. 💜
I agree
I think for people like you and me, Jane, the perfectionism keeps us from showing ourselves fully, as protection. But that also interferes with our ability to be seen by people in our lives. This is what I have learned about myself. Letting go of having to be perfect and allowing my messy self to be seen is the only way to be seen. Of course, it also requires others to see you, and not everyone can. I have learned that too.
It's so hard. About a year ago I couldn't do it anymore, keep up the facade. It takes time.
It's a process, for sure. And takes a lot of work, but it's so worth it.
It's the difference between reacting and responding. Yoga gives us the ability to respond so we don't react and regret it later.
I hope it helps you too, Pete. What I have found is that when people name call, it's because they don't have a legitimate argument. But with feelings, you can't think your way out. You have to feel.