Welcome to Yoga Living 50 and Beyond, I am so glad you are here! I write about topics related to practicing yoga when you are over 50, both on and off the mat. This aging process is not easy. My goal is to help you understand your body and mind a bit better, and to find more ease and less struggle in your day to day.

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My posts range in topics from how different yoga poses can teach you about yourself, mindset shifts to help you love yourself more genuinely, to how to age gracefully with strength, balance, mobility, and mindfulness, how to cope with getting older, and more!

My goal is to help you understand your aging body. When you are aware of how you move, it affects how you feel. Yoga is a movement science to help you build muscle and bone strength, improve your balance and mobility, and help you notice the lies that your mind tells you (I’m too much, I’m not enough, I am a burden, etc). It is a practice on the mat that you take off the mat and into you life to live with less stress and anxiety and more ease.

This community is for you if you are an active adult over 50 who wants to stay active and cross-train for life! Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a free or paid subscription.

Thank you so much for being here!


About me:

I’m Janine! I have been teaching and practicing yoga since 1995 and have been an acupuncturist since 2003. I am a Type A, recovering perfectionist who is learning to “human” like everyone else. I started practicing yoga at age 23. Now that I am in my 50s I have seen what a benefit this yoga practice has been for both my body and my mind. I look and feel younger than many people my age, and am able to be kinder and gentler to myself in my self talk. I attribute this to my yoga practice, both on and off the mat. Always a work in progress, growth is non-linear, but worth the work! Join me in Yoga Living 50 and Beyond!

Take online classes with me at https://purpleroomyoga.com

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As a GenX yoga instructor, I share my knowledge about yoga and meditation through my blog. I focus on topics related to Aging Gracefully with Yoga.


As a GenX yoga instructor, I believe that yoga is the perfect practice for feeling more comfortable in your body and mind as you age. I am passionate about sharing my decades earned wisdom with people over 50 who want to stay active.