I appreciate your detailed descriptions and was able to follow your instructions. I find in my classes the reminder of being active through the lifting leg is the cue from which people often stabilize their pose. Picking up a limp noodle toddler is difficult. Same goes for a limp noodle extremity. Do you ever do wall assisted versions (back, lifting foot, or even head to the wall)? What are your thoughts for those?
I love using the wall as a prop. There are so many ways that we compensate in our attempts to achieve a pose, and it's really nice to get feedback from the wall. It encourages the straight line from head to the foot of the lifted leg, as well as allows for feeling the openness of the rotation of the torso. I like playing with the wall, then taking that feedback into the center of the room and trying to to reconnect to those same sensations in the body. Thanks for bringing this up CB!
Thanks for reaffirming that yoga's balancing poses will help us as we age. I've been wondering if this is true as I practice yoga daily!
This has been my experience. You need to "use it or lose it," and a daily yoga practice will help!
I appreciate your detailed descriptions and was able to follow your instructions. I find in my classes the reminder of being active through the lifting leg is the cue from which people often stabilize their pose. Picking up a limp noodle toddler is difficult. Same goes for a limp noodle extremity. Do you ever do wall assisted versions (back, lifting foot, or even head to the wall)? What are your thoughts for those?
I love using the wall as a prop. There are so many ways that we compensate in our attempts to achieve a pose, and it's really nice to get feedback from the wall. It encourages the straight line from head to the foot of the lifted leg, as well as allows for feeling the openness of the rotation of the torso. I like playing with the wall, then taking that feedback into the center of the room and trying to to reconnect to those same sensations in the body. Thanks for bringing this up CB!