YES Janine! I have often heard: "You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day. Unless you're too busy, then you should sit for an hour." It was one of those mornings, so I sat for 5 - that's what worked this morning!

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Exactly! Long, long ago when I was first introduced to meditation it was 20 minutes or it didn’t count. Nah, I’ll be more flexible!

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It totally counts!!

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Yes, that's an old Zen proverb I believe. But 5 minutes is great! It's always better than no minutes.

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I higly respect your tgiughts and ideas. However, I see that the more we dedicate time to practise sport or Yoga, the more benefited we get. So i mean sport and activties rewuier more time from us to get benegited from it, while to the less time we give, the less benefited we get. I mean the element of Time is crucial but we dont have

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It's all relative. We often believe that unless we dedicate an hour to exercise or meditation, then it's not worth it. But this is false. You will always benefit, even from just a little time. Yes, more is better, but a little is always better than none.

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You mean anything even it is a little is better than never.

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