Sitemap - 2024 - Yoga Living 50 and Beyond

Annual Yoga Book Club Retreat January 2025!

Sangha Sundays starts this Sunday!

3 Ways to Shift Your Mindset Toward Health

When You Stop Numbing and Let Your Grief Flow

What Does it Really Mean to "Be Present?"

This is How to Take Yoga Off the Mat

Are You Being Completely Honest with Yourself?

Stillness Reduces Your Need to be Numb

Sangha Sundays for paid subscribers!

Life Lessons I've Learned from My Yoga Practice

Are You Breathing? How To Shift Your Mind With Your Breath

Coming to the Mat with a Beginner's Mind

3 Reasons to Stop "Shoulding" All Over Yourself

A Community of Introverts? Is That a Thing? It is Now.

Breaking Down Appetite: Surrendering to What The Body Needs

This is the Reason I Love Running A Summer Yoga Retreat

How Yoga And Walking Are a Powerful Pairing

Singing Bowls for Healing Mind, Body, and Spirit

How to Adjust Your Yoga Practice For Your Aging Body

Yoga Retreats are Medicine for your Life- Tired Soul

Does your lower back scream? How to make it happier

The Yamas and Niyamas Series

Introducing a Yoga Community That Will Support Your Growth!

Does Your Yoga Practice Make Your Shoulders Cry?

How Surrender Might be the Way to an Easeful Life

It Looks Like a Knee Problem, But It's Probably Not

Increase Curiosity and Find Out Who You Really Are

What Happens When You Feel the Pain of Being Trolled?

When You Feel the Beautiful Balance between Strength and Ease

Practical Benefits Of Silence For Releasing Stress

Happiness is Temporary. Contentment is a Better Goal

What is Yoga Off the Mat?

Feeling Stuck in Overwhelm? It Might Be Your Environment

Why is Connection So Hard for Perfectionists?

Is Non-Attachment the Cure for Anxiety?

Getting to the Heart and Mind of Meditation

How Do You Know When You Reach Enough?

Learning to Let Go of Control and Embrace What Is

How We Steal from Ourselves When We Don't Set Good Boundaries

From Distraction to Clarity: This Yoga Pose Might Improve Your Focus

A special Thank You plus a little bit extra

The Mind is a Liar. Only Your Gut Tells You the Truth

Mother's Day can be Rough

Are Your Thoughts Harmful to Yourself and Others?

Are you Drowning in Anxiety?

How to Move Toward Ease in 10 "Simple" Steps

What Do You Do When You Feel "Not Enough?"

How Mindfulness Will Get You Out of Your Own Way

What Does it Mean to Age Gracefully?

It's All in the Approach

Is There a Verbal Abuser Living Inside Your Head?

Why Do You Eat?

Everyday Gratitude

The Yoga of Eating

The Benefits of Taking a Pause

Have You Ever Wondered What it Means to "Listen to Your Body?"

Do you Feel Like you are Losing Your Mind?

Savasana: When You Find the Space Between the Thoughts

The Value of Discomfort

Practical Reasons to Practice Yoga After Age 50

What can Warrior 2 Teach You On and Off the Mat?

How to Love Your Body in 3 "Easy" Steps

You Don't Need to Worry About what "They" Think

The Weight of Perfectionism:

Practicing Physical Balance Helps with Life Balance

Meditation 101: For When Your Brain Doesn't Stop Talking

Words Matter to Your Brain

Finding a Pause in the Chaos of Daily Life

How you Talk to Yourself Matters

The Magic of Journaling to Understand Yourself

Is Manifesting Really a Thing?

Reflections on a Yoga Retreat 10 Years in the Making

Self-Love Isn't Self-Indulgent, it's Essential for WholeHearted Living

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6 Simple Yoga Poses for a Stable Back After 50

Non-Attachment taught to me by my Phone

3 Reasons Body Awareness Matters As You Age

A Little Introduction

Coming soon